Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things I'm learning about daycare: Part 2

1. He has started to understand that I LEAVE him for awhile, and when I see that realization on his face, it's NOT fun.

1b. The quicker I leave, the better it is for him.

2. Leaving your child makes you feel strange inside. A cross between hungry and empty and broken-hearted.

2b. Daycare is just the first place I will experience this feeling. My colleague told me she has the same feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She just moved her daughter into her dorm room for her first year at college.

3. Eventually, the daycare staff will grow to love him. I'm starting to see them enjoying him and waving to him as he leaves. It makes him smile...and that feels good to me. He is building a relationship with them, I am building trust in them, and this even MORE reason to choose a place with low turnover rate in staff.

4. They think of great things to do with the kids! I hadn't thought of having older kids blow bubbles towards him..he LOVED it...and I hadn't thought of having him listen to a book on tape. They told me he actually listened and looked at the pictures for awhile! I am having fun imagining him "dancing" to the music with the other kids. He loves watching the big kids too. Daycare will be much more fascinating for him than I am.

4b. At the end of the day, no matter how interesting it has been, he will always want me.

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