Friday, August 31, 2007

It gets better

Sending your child away from you, eventually starts to feel okay if all the pieces are in place:

  1. trust in the care providers;
  2. his happiness and well-being;
  3. and contentment with my own job.
There might be other factors, but at the moment, these are enough to keep us going.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Feeling like a Fraud

Just for the record....I came home after talking with Carly about how positive I'm feeling about daycare and how it's the right choice for us....and promptly began to feel horrible about leaving Owen and not having him with ME.

I ended the night with myself crying silently as he fell asleep nursing. We had, yet again, a single-mommy night (Ryan working late), a miserable time trying to eat dinner, (he has been refusing vegetables and slimes everything all over his hair and face and in his ears), he was horrible in the bathtub (he keeps trying to stand up, slips, gets mad, and starts all over again), and then he cried the entire time changing him into pajamas and getting ready for bed.

My brain KNOWS that this is the hardest time of day for him because he's tired...but it's not really FAIR that it's the time I get to spend with him.

Right now I'm feeling very sad that I didn't have much energy when I came home today....that I didn't have much patience either...and that very soon,
all day...
I will spend more time with other people's kids than I do with my own.

That last realization is enough to make me throw up.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things I'm learning about daycare: Part 2

1. He has started to understand that I LEAVE him for awhile, and when I see that realization on his face, it's NOT fun.

1b. The quicker I leave, the better it is for him.

2. Leaving your child makes you feel strange inside. A cross between hungry and empty and broken-hearted.

2b. Daycare is just the first place I will experience this feeling. My colleague told me she has the same feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She just moved her daughter into her dorm room for her first year at college.

3. Eventually, the daycare staff will grow to love him. I'm starting to see them enjoying him and waving to him as he leaves. It makes him smile...and that feels good to me. He is building a relationship with them, I am building trust in them, and this even MORE reason to choose a place with low turnover rate in staff.

4. They think of great things to do with the kids! I hadn't thought of having older kids blow bubbles towards him..he LOVED it...and I hadn't thought of having him listen to a book on tape. They told me he actually listened and looked at the pictures for awhile! I am having fun imagining him "dancing" to the music with the other kids. He loves watching the big kids too. Daycare will be much more fascinating for him than I am.

4b. At the end of the day, no matter how interesting it has been, he will always want me.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Ode to Car Keys

Someone, please, explain to me why chewing on metal car keys is bad? Because, right about now, it's a lifesaver.

I have just enough energy to sit and check my email...and the fact that he's entertained himself with my car keys for 25 minutes now is heavenly.

He could poke himself in the eye with them as he thrashes them around? They might have germs and all kind of gross stuff on them? He could cut himself?


(Postscript: I wrote this last night..and this morning I spent 27 minutes with Ryan, SEARCHING for my keys. They were under a toy. I just answered my own question as to WHY it's bad to play with keys.)

dear LORD

If I were a religious sort, I would probably fall down upon my knees and PRAY for some transcendental power to bestow upon me, the strength to play with my son after a full day of work.


This is hard.

I'm propping my eyelids up with toothpicks just to see if Owen is still within my "catch-him-before-he-chokes-on-that-piece-of-(fill-in-the-blank)" range.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

"no crying" makes all the difference

I love those days when it feels like ABSOLUTELY nothing went wrong, nothing is bad, things are funny, everyone is smiling, and life is good.

I suppose I could have vented about green beans smeared in Owen's hair, the fact that I keep forgetting to put a bath mat in the tub and he keeps slipping, or maybe that he pulled an entire plant and dirt down all over the floor and carpet....but I honestly had to SEARCH to find those things in my brain.

Today was a great day because he went to sleep without crying, we had a great time as a family today, and he's so darn CUTE.

It's amazing how good life can be when he doesn't cry a lot. I think that makes the biggest difference in the whole world.

Yay for a day of no crying!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Feeling like I am not cut out for this....

So as Oren is rapidly growing, physically and mentally, he shifts through new phases. It always takes me a while to catch on to what his needs are (even though he is definitely trying to let me know) through screaming usually. Through out the year I made sure to change up his environment, activities, rearrange toys/books/food etc... now he is becoming mobile (sort of) and I am not sure what he needs and how to provide it for him. I think he is frustrated with scootching but has not figured out pulling up, cruising or walking but clearly wants to get moving. (Side note: why can't I make paragraphs in this thing?!?) I keep having this thought "well, at least soon he will be in day care and they can give him what he needs since I can't deal with it or haven't figured out how." I hate it! I hate that thought. I want to give him everything he needs, I don't want to have the feeling of relief as it is someone elses problem now. I don't want to feel like a part time parent or like I am giving up on him. That is how I am feeling. This sucks right now.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mark this Day

Owen took his first steps today!

He was in the kitchen of my neighbor's house and I was coming in after being gone for a few hours. He was cruising along the cabinets and then walked 5 steps to my legs. I was so flabbergasted, I couldn't say anything..I stood there with my jaw dropped, staring. My neighbor and her two daughters didn't see it...they were busy preparing lunch! So, in my excitement, I made him do it over and over, and over again!

Maybe now that he got this out of the way, he will focus on not mauling his friends and pinching their eyes out! For the record books, he is 8 months and 5 days old. I call and tell my husband, or do I wait and have Owen do it for him? I'm torn. Half of me wants to call right now and share the news...but I'm not sure how I would feel if it were me.
Oh...I can't decide!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

But wait! I'm Sister of the Year, too!

I am going to visit my sister, mother, aunt, and grandmother this weekend. My husband can't come, so Talia and I are traveling alone. I was guilted into going and do not look forward to the trip in any way.

My sister, being as she is energetic and single and 29, is borrowing a jogging stroller from a friend so she and I can run a 5K on Sunday morning with Talia in tow. That I'm doing this at all is a martyrdom situation - I don't want to do it but she does so I gave in. Talia will freak out if she has to spend an hour in the stroller, and I'll end up pissing her off by stopping in the middle of the run.

My sister was shocked and annoyed ("bamboozled") when I told her that, no, we cannot leave Talia with my mother and aunt for two hours to get massages between the 5K and the party my mom and aunt are hosting in Talia's honor. My mother simply cannot handle watching Talia for two hours while prepping a house party. Frankly, she cannot watch Talia awake at all, and she admits as much. This is the same woman who literally had a panic attack trying to feed Talia three spoonfuls of baby food a month ago because it was getting on her chin, and I was standing five feet away!

So my sister is mad, and I'm flabbergasted that she thinks a nine-month-old can be shlepped from a 5K to her grandmother's house to a party. Bamboozled. Is there a special Sister-of-the-Year award, too?

52 proven stress reducers

anyone look at amy's links list to the right of this post? it's great, particularly the list of stress reducers. how sensible and easy to implement they are! they're going on my fridge asap.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New Mantras

I like Lydia's:

"We raise them to leave us." (Or something like comes in handy when I'm feeling fairly sad about leaving him at daycare.)

I'm also enjoying this one:

"They don't have to love him like I do to take good care of him."


I'm feeling slightly guilty about this fact:

I replaced our plastic water bottles BEFORE I replaced Owen's baby bottles.

I still haven't replaced his bottles, but I will avoid drinking out of the Nalgene now.

(Anyone else SICK of this bisphenol A topic? I am.)

I could make myself feel better about this guilt-issue by remembering that on airplanes, they make you put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting a child.

Things I'm Learning About Daycare

1. If putting your child to sleep by letting them fuss or cry by themselves for a few minutes is your only (non-driving) way to get your kid to sleep....daycare will not be fun for the teachers or your child (They don't have a quiet, dark room to put him in, he is constantly around others and they can't let him cry too long.)

2. No one has any answers for me about how to get him to fall asleep by voluntarily putting his head down and sleeping.

3. You have to buy extra of everything to keep at daycare; If you have "just enough" for yourselves at home, it won't be enough. (extra bottles, blanket, clothes, bibs, food, crib sheets, diapers, etc)

4. Your child may not eat/drink the same way at daycare as he/she does at home for you.
(I.E. consumed 1/2 of what he normally does.)

5. If the teachers look tired when you pick up your kid, but say that he "is adjusting," assume that he was crying all day very similar to your worst day ever. If he's hoarse when you pick him up, this is further evidence of his "adjustment."

6. The teachers may appreciate cookies, but they appreciate you picking him up early, even better.

7. Things happen. If he falls down for you, he's going to fall down there too.

8. They don't care if shows up in his pajamas.

9. The ratio is not one-to-one anymore. Now, there is a poor, underpaid soul who has to deal with your child AND at least 3 others who may or may not share the same temperment. If he is crying more, it might be because he can't be held or picked up as often anymore.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What goes in...

What goes in...must come OUT.

I had the worst diaper blow-out of ALL TIME today....this AFTER EJ had a wonderful diaper the cloth diaper place...except mine was in a pampers paper/plastic diaper.

First of all...I think it's important to mention that he was saving up all the morning pooping until after he got home from daycare. I mean there was SHIT LOADS of poop.

Secondly, the pampers diaper acted EXACTLY like a sliding board for all the transitional icky went right up his back into the onsie.
This was reminiscent of breastmilk poop explosions....but a lot SMELLIER.

I was trying to take off his onesie and I didn't REALIZE that it had gone up the back...until it was too late and I smeared it all the way up his back and into his hair. It was the most disgusting poopy diaper change since the day at Suburban Square when Carly helped me change him because he exploded there.

Wow. It was so disgusting, I picked him, the poopy diaper 1/2 atttached, and the onesie hanging by one arm...and plopped him right in the tub. He had SO MUCH poop still on him that he created a big huge poopy smear in the bottom of the tub.

It was FANTASTIC...and I wish I had my camera...because he had peaches/banana/oatmeal smeared all over the front of him...and green poop all over the back of him.
Thank goodness for bath tubs and the luxury of running water!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dog for SALE...very CHEAP

After getting Owen to sleep, (by nursing him..the ONLY way that worked after rocking, bouncing, singing, etc.) for a nap, Roscoe decides to bark loudly at the imaginary threats lurking in our house.

#@%*ing DOG.

Owen woke up screaming...(after sleeping 15 minutes), and I have been unable to get him to go back to sleep. Yet, he is so tired, because when I brought him downstairs to rejoin the world and play, all he did was cry.

So, I'm listening to him scream in his crib from downstairs.

I'm wondering how long I'm going to have to pay for the 3 day-trip to Indiana.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

What else is a well-intentioned mother to think?

After reading about 6 or 7 articles about bisphenol-A (after seeing a report on ABC news about dangerous plastics and baby bottles), I found this quote in most of the news reports:

"...the panel expressed 'some concern' about the chemical and noted that people may want to reduce their exposure."

(Baby bottles with the chemical appear to include Playtex, Avent, and all other major brands we buy.)

(The panel does not support a ban on this chemical in plastics..but CA is trying to pass legislation and the ecological groups do support a ban.)

Well...Jesus....when every single source (even the industry-biased ones) indicate a possibility of affecting a baby's genitals and reproductive functions and says to "reduce exposure" what ELSE am I supposed to think?

The "Science Now" journal suggests that it is unlcear how the FDA or other organizations will react to the report.

I wonder how many other moms and dads saw the TV report saying that "baby bottles may be dangerous" and are now FLIPPING OUT about the prospect of their daughter's menstruating at age 8 and their son's balls shrinking.

I'm not sure ABC News and like organizations are ready for the panic that JUST MIGHT ensue.

Roscoe VS. Owen

It's official! Owen has tied Roscoe-the-pug in IQ points! He's finally catching up!
(While it's doubtful that Roscoe will ever be able to "clap," we're always hopeful.)
Today they were playing "tug-of-war" with Roscoe's rope!

Roscoe still has a slight lead...but here are the stats:

Trick Roscoe Owen
crawling 0 1
walking 1 0
lying down 1 1
sitting 1 1
standing 0 1
clapping 0 1
waving 0 1
"potty"trained 1 0

On Command:
"give me 5" 1 1
"give me 10" 1 1
"roll over" 1 0
"sit" 1 0
"clap" 0 0
"come here!" 1 1

Totals: 9 9

Narcissistic Mommy? Maybe!

I just read this article about "Mommy Literature" in an online version of Newsweek. It's interesting...but it doesn't go anywhere in particular, other than to say it's not an interesting genre to read. (Like this blog... hee hee.)
The author does justify "mommy angst," tells us we have more time to worry about our parenting choices than our previous generations and therefore, more time to decide if ours are the correct choices. She also says that the choices, the's all uninteresting to read about. Important to us at the time...but not interesting.
To some degree, I think she's right. When I go back to work, I'm not going to care, or have time to ponder about diaper choices, discipline strategies, organic or non-organic, or even wonder about the most efficient stroller.

I do wonder if I could have spent these 8 1/2 months worrying about other things...(or even better...not worrying at all) but it also seems like a rite of passage to contemplate all the choices, dangers, and parenting styles. Even if it only means that I end up being in the same middle ground I find myself in on just about every issue in existence.

"Yummy Vs. Slummy: And the winner is ... who cares? We've become narcissist mommies, obsessed with our parenting choices and defensive when confronted with others'."

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Two a.m. Wake Up Call

Last Thursday, Julia and I drove to Ocean City, MD to visit with my friend Kim who was staying there with her family. Kim, who is not married and has no kids, said that she would be happy to share a hotel room with us for the night. I reminded her that even though Julia is normally sleeping through the night that anything could happen and that she often screams when going to sleep. "No problem," answered Kim. "I'm used to it since my sister has three kids."

Julia went to sleep easily and I marveled at how peaceful she looked sleeping in her pack-n-play. How sweet, I thought to myself.

It was sweet until she woke up crying at 2 a.m. Since Kim was sleeping in the next bed, I picked Julia up right away. She stopped crying and I held her in my arms as she drifted back to sleep. I knew that she would wake up and cry when I put her back down because that's what she always does. But she usually falls asleep a few minutes later.

"Waaaa, waaaa!" As expected, she cried right away. I knew that she could see me in my bed so I turned my back to avoid eye contact. (Does that sound mean?) I also tried pulling the covers over my head. She'll stop soon, I told myself. Well, twenty minutes later (I know because I looked at my watch) she was still crying and soon someone knocked on the door. Am I horrible for letting her cry that long? I honestly thought that any minute she would fall asleep.

I ignored the door but instead picked Julia up again. This time I nursed her, she fell asleep and then woke up AGAIN when I put her down. But I let her cry it out and she fell asleep shortly thereafter (what I thought would happen the first time around).

Besides me being up for over an hour in the middle of the night, we had a fun time at the beach. But I'm not sure that Kim will be eager to share a room with us again any time soon.

Do Babies Like Coffee?

Yesterday I was at our new house with Julia, meeting more chimney contractors. I had her on the porch in her portable high chair and left her briefly to walk inside. When I came out, her tray was completely covered with coffee and she was playing happily in this newfound liquid. Her shorts were soaked too! She obviously grabbed my coffee cup after I walked away. Thank goodness I always drink iced coffee! (Not because of Julia, just because I have always loved iced coffee).

Mom? Where's the nipple?

I am continually reminded that I should be working on the belly flab around my belly button. Not because it looks like a donut now (it used to be flat). Not because it looks like chicken skin, all loose and wrinkly. Not because my pants are a wee bit tight.

No. I am reminded because Owen very often confuses this flabby middle section for a boob and tries to latch on to it.


Monday, August 6, 2007


For REAL now....
Someone should really watch me a little more carefully because apparently I am an unfit parent. (Not to put the blame on anyone else...this is TOTALLY my fault. But honestly....)

I totally dropped Owen from off of my lap today. We were looking at the pictures in a catalog that came in the mail and I don't know what happened.

I don't know if he arched away from me, or if I was moving him around...either way, he ended up falling off my lap backwards and hitting the back of his head on the floor. (Carpet on top of hardwood..but still! I heard the thud! It took his breath away...then the screaming.) I felt SO bad.

I must be the clumsiest momma around. Poor Owen is getting the brunt of this and I feel horrible.

I know kids get bumps and war wounds from increased mobility...but honestly, I think my heart breaks every time it happens and it's most likely my fault.

He's fine.
But HONESTLY. I don't know what's wrong with me. If anyone has any clues from observing us, please let me know. He cannot continue to be battered like this! HELP!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Hair Factor

I just have to laugh....whenever Owen crawls over to Ryan...he pulls on his t-shirt and chest hair. Ryan lets out a scream of agony...and Owen laughs!

This makes motherhood a little more amusing :)

A moment's peace...PLEASE

I'm so glad that Ryan is taking Owen with him to Home Depot this morning.
I hate to admit this....but...well this is the forum for it:
I'm so tired of seeing Owen.

He climbed all over me for the 5 hours of travel yesterday and if he climbs on me this morning, I might just flip out.

(The trip went extremely well..and Owen was an angel. But, WOW, it's good to be finished with traveling.)


Approximately how many times can you bump your baby's head on an airplane (the seats, the overhead storage compartments, the doorway....) before the passengers and crew decide you are an incompetent mother and take the baby away???

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sleep and the Bad Mother

All mothers feel responsible when their children have problems sleeping, but only a select few of us actually are responsible.

Talia had been napping terribly for months. Sure, she'd had brief spells here and there when she would take a 60-90 minute nap and I'd think, "Wow, her sleep is finally consolidating. How fabulous for her brain growth and my mental health." Then the next day she'd be back to her 30-45 minute tricks.

I'd known she sleeps lightly (I have no idea whose child she is) so finally gave into Benjamin's suggestion to work on the first floor while Talia naps. Lo and behold - if the typing, walking, dog pacing, and telephone ringing don't wake her, the child can sleep for 120-140 minutes at a time. Holy cr-p! I have tested it to make sure it wasn't just her age or something - if I work upstairs one day, short naps. Downstairs the next day - long naps. All that nap time, fussy awake time when she clearly hadn't slept enough, all of it - my fault.

Son of a b-tch. If only I had listened to my husband sooner: the story of my life.