Monday, August 6, 2007


For REAL now....
Someone should really watch me a little more carefully because apparently I am an unfit parent. (Not to put the blame on anyone else...this is TOTALLY my fault. But honestly....)

I totally dropped Owen from off of my lap today. We were looking at the pictures in a catalog that came in the mail and I don't know what happened.

I don't know if he arched away from me, or if I was moving him around...either way, he ended up falling off my lap backwards and hitting the back of his head on the floor. (Carpet on top of hardwood..but still! I heard the thud! It took his breath away...then the screaming.) I felt SO bad.

I must be the clumsiest momma around. Poor Owen is getting the brunt of this and I feel horrible.

I know kids get bumps and war wounds from increased mobility...but honestly, I think my heart breaks every time it happens and it's most likely my fault.

He's fine.
But HONESTLY. I don't know what's wrong with me. If anyone has any clues from observing us, please let me know. He cannot continue to be battered like this! HELP!


Eilat said...

Dearest Amy, don't be so harsh on yourself. SERIOUSLY! Skulls are there for a reason. If we were the type of creature to never have accidents, it clearly wouldn't be there. Give yourself a break. You are doing your best. And babies, that's what they do - fall, hit their head...

Lisa said...

I agree with Eilat. I know that there have been many times with Julia when I've thought to myself, I can't believe that just happened and yes, it was my fault. Just today, Julia grabbed my coffee (when I left her alone!) and spilled it all over her tray. Thank goodness I always drink iced coffee.

You are a GREAT mom Amy!

carnault said...


You're not a bad mother! It's just a matter of time before the same stuff happens to me. Claire just started to crawl and is pulling up on everything now and I'm really just waiting for the first big fall.

On more than one occasion while I was holding her but not very well, Claire's bucked backwards and just barely did not fall out of my arms but I felt each time that her back will be f*!$#& up forever as a result.

If you're a bad mom we all are!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amy,

I think this is the revolutionary in Owen! He is a little rebel who does not want to sit still. He needs to get into everything and NOW! You are an AWESOME mamma! I think Owen's thuds and bumps are all a testament to his incredible personality :) Really, my parents dropped me countless times and I am normal ;)