Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Talia needs a parasol

Nothing says "bad mother" like an infant with a suntan. Talia has been outside (un-sun-blocked, un-hatted, and un-blanketed) basically every day since the sun came out again. It shows. I should have my license revoked. Oh wait, I don't need a license for this job. :)


Anonymous said...

I know this goes without saying....but I'm a super paranoid anti-sun person since having basal cell skin cancer.

I blame it all on my mother allowing me to get burnt in the sun...and letting me be a lifeguard...and letting me move to Florida.

Just think...in 30 years, Talia will look back and say, "And MY mother didn't put my SUN HAT ON!"

Lydia said...

In 30 years, Talia will have much more damning things to say about me, I'm sure.