Monday, June 25, 2007

Could be ticketed for this one...

He was all buckled in. The 5 point harness was COMPLETELY all 5 points. The carrier bar was even in the position the manual said is best.

Thank goodness neighbor, Mike is a good driver, because somehow we made it all the way back from West Chester without actually attaching the carseat to the seat.


I might not have admitted this one to all of you. However, maybe posting it will remind myself and others to double CHECK when putting the carseat in another car.


Megan Renaud said...

I have to admit, I was guilty of that once myself. You are not alone. It was a busy day shopping and we were in my Mom-in-law's car so I didn't have a base and we were just belting her carrier in. We made it probably 15 miles before stopping at a McDonald's and realizing this poor kiddo was never strapped in. Gotta love those brain dead moments.

Anonymous said... my mom accidentally detached our car seat base and I thought I had put it back in right. My mom, EJ and I were all driving in the car and about 15 minutes into the drive I turn around to find...EJ and the car seat lying on their side!!! He was asleep and unharmed through all of it, but I was freaked. Took the car seat back to the police station to be reinstalled!

Eilat said...

Only a few weeks ago, I picked up Nathan (almost 3) from daycare (something my husband usually does). The routine of him entering the car must have been different from normal. We drove only 1/2 a block when he complained that I didn't buckle his seat belt. I turned around to see that he was correct and was in shock! I stopped right away, buckled him and thanked him perfusely for making me aware of my mistake. I took the opportunity to explain to him how important seat belts are that we should never drive without them (my personal belief). Since then he has been on belt patrol. He makes sure all are buckled before the driver is allowed to drive. And he sure is a loud boy, so you'll be made aware if someone's not buckled yet.