Friday, June 15, 2007

Say What?

Such a great idea, Amy. Then again, you always were a forward thinker! I was thinking today about funny things people said to me when I was having trouble getting pregnant, such as:

Have you tried relaxing? (My imagined response: "One bottle of wine just doesn't seem to do it anymore...")

My friend tried forever, and nothing worked....and then voila! She got pregnant on her own! (This comment made me want to bludgeon something.)

Have you considered adopting? (This made me feel selfish and vain. Just think of all those orphaned kids...)

Is the problem with you or your husband? (People always need to place the blame...)

And now that I have 14 week old twins, I get these gems:

Are they identical? (My response: "'s a boy and one's a girl, so.....)

Boy, you've got your hands full! (My response: "Full of love!")

Better you than me!! (My response: "Yep!")

God knew better than to give me twins! (My response: "More for me!")

Are they twins? (My IMAGINED response: "They were quadruplets, but every time someone asks a stupid question, I give them a baby. Here's yours!" My REAL response: "Yep!")

Did you have them naturally, or did you have help? (I get this question more often than you know, mostly from strangers. My response: "I take all the help I can get. Are you offering?")

What stupid things to people say to you? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy make me laugh!
Would you mind if I shared part of it with a friend who is having trouble getting pregnant? She might need the laugh too...