Monday, September 10, 2007

A Zen Story

To piggyback on Amy's last post... there are good days and there are bad days.

On the eve of Oren's birth I am thinking about this past year and am in awe of how many changes we have made individually and as a family, it is stunning and almost too much to digest. I am looking around the living and dinning rooms right now and even those two rooms have undergone significant rearranging (just tonight we rearranged the dinning room so that Oren has room to play and move about - sorry tall people the chandelier is more exposed and prone to more head banging)! Oren is now in daycare and while I look for work, I am working on my own professional development (info to be revealed soon).

I think as many of us are approaching the year mark, we are figuring out how to create our "new normal." But didn't I just reveal the indigestible changes that our little ones have brought and will continue to bring about? I did! So moral of my story... there are good days and there are bad days... but the days pass and we might as well keep growing (babies and moms too!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry for the formal signature. I am messing around with a professional blog site and not sure how to stop my posts on this one from signing with my whole name and letter stuff.